Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited |
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) – is a Public Sector Undertaking and a Group Company of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., in the field of Hydro-carbon processing with a refining capacity of 11.5 MMTPA, having Refineries located in Chennai and Nagapattinam, in Tamil Nadu.
CPCL invites applications from bright, young and energetic candidates of Indian Nationality for the following Non-supervisory positions. The number of vacancies indicated are tentative which may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute discretion of the Management.
1.Name of the Post- Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Production)-Trainee
No of post- 22
2.Name of the Post- Jr. Quality Control Analyst-IV (Quality Control)-Trainee
No of post- 04
3.Name of the Post- Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical) — Trainee Jr.
No of post- 03
4.Name of the Post- Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation) — Trainee
No of post- 02
5.Name of the Post- Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Mechanical) — Trainee
No of post- 07
6.Name of the Post- Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (P&U-Mechanical) — Trainee
No of post- 06
7.Name of the Post- Jr. Technical Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety) — Trainee
No of post- 04
8.Name of the Post- Jr. Marketing Assistant-IV (Marketing) — Trainee No of post- 01
9.Name of the Post- Hindi Translator-IV — Trainee
No of post- 01
10.Name of the Post- Jr. Account Assistant (Finance) — Trainee
No of post- 03
11.Name of the Post- Jr. Office Assistant (HR) — Trainee
No of post- 03
General Condition Method:
Candidates can apply for only ONE Post. While applying for any post, the applicant should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished are correct in all respects.
All the qualifications should be from a Government recognized University / Institute recognized by AICTE.
Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail id and mobile no., which are to be entered in the application form, so that intimation regarding downloading of call letter for written test can be sent.
Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the application fee.
Wherever CGPA / OGPA / DGPA or Letter Grade in a Degree is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the online application form as per norms adopted by University / Institute.
Only the successfully enrolled candidates who are eligible for the post will be allowed to download the admit card from the site. Please note that the admit card will not be sent by post.
All information regarding this recruitment will be made available on the website www.cpcLco.in and no separate communication with the candidates will be entertained.
Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this advertisement on the web site
Candidates will be intimated about the details of written test by email and as well as through website tentatively after 16.06.2017. Candidates are advised to visit our website from time to time for updated details related to the conduct of the written test.
The admit card indicating roll number, name of the allocated test center and guidelines for the test will be made available on the same site to the candidates found eligible based on the online data. The candidate has to download his Admit card, Test Guidelines etc. for appearing in the test from the website. Admit cards will not be sent by post.
Candidates applying against Persons with Disabilities category shall have not less than 40% of relative disability. An attested copy of the Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority, viz. a Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or State Government shall be furnished, while applying, failing which their application will be rejected.
For claiming the benefit of OBC category, the candidate should submit a proper Caste Certificate as per the proforma prescribed by the Government of India (copy available on our website
www.cpcl.co.in), which would, among others, specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to OM No.36012/22/93- Estt.(SCT) dated 08-09-1993 of the Department of Personnel and Training in the Govt. of India.
Candidates serving in Government Departments / PSUs should furnish “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” at the time of verification of documents, failing which their documents verification process will not be carried out.
Selection and Appointment of candidates is subject to verification of Caste / Character & Antecedents from authorities concerned.
How to Apply On this:
The eligible candidates have to apply through online registration system of CPCL only. To apply visit: www.cpcl.co.in . The candidate must possess a valid e-mail ID. The site will be functional from 10:00 hours of 03.05.2017 to midnight of 31.05.2017. For General and OBC candidates, once they submit their data Online, system will display a six digits Registration Number and a link for Payment of Application Fee. Candidates have to click on that link and make the payment of Application fee. Only after payment of Application Fee, the Application will be treated as complete and candidate can generate final Registration Slip using the six digits Registration Number.
After downloading the registration slip, the candidates are required to enclose self-attested photocopies of all relevant documents in support of their age, educational qualification, community, physical disablement, etc., and send them by ORDINARY / SPEED POST ONLY, superscribing on the envelope — Application for the position of (Name of the Position) to The Advertiser (Unit: Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited), Post Bag No. 99, GPO, Kolkata 700001 so as to reach latest by 06.06.2017.
In case the above documents (hard copy) are not received by the CLOSING DATE mentioned, the On-Line application will not be entertained and will •be rejected. CPCL takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt of Application and documents or loss thereof in postal transit.
CPCL does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being .able to submit their applications within the last date on account of any reason beyond the control of the CPCL.
PHOTOGRAPH: One recent coloured passport size photograph not more than three months old is to be scanned and uploaded in the space earmarked in the on-line application. The photograph should be minimum 200 dpi (dots per inch) and in .JPG Format. The size of the photograph should be between 10KB to 50KB. (Refer our website for detail).
SIGNATURE: Scanned signature (in Black ink) against white background is to be scanned and uploaded in the space earmarked in the on-line application. Candidates must ensure the signature uploaded shall be maintained as same at all places viz. signature up-loaded, appended on Undertaking, Attendance Sheet of written examination, etc. If any variation is found between the signatures, the candidature is liable to be cancelled. Candidate is advised to confirm that his / her uploaded signature is clearly visible/identifiable at the appropriate place. The signature should be minimum 200 dpi (dots per inch) and in .JPG Format. The size of the signature should be between 2KB to 20KB. (Refer our website for detail).
While making the Payment, system will again ask the details of Name, Mobile No. etc. and the six digits Reference Number, which were generated at the time of applying online.
Important Dates:
Opening of online application: 03.05.2017
Closing of online application: 31.05.2017
Deposit of payment by Challan: 31.05.2017
Receipt of hard copies of the documents: 06.06.2017
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the employment notification
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